
 产品中心     |      2025年01月21日




1. 水泥:烟台当地水泥价格在每吨300元左右,品牌较多,质量也参差不齐。购买时应选择正规厂家生产的产品。

2. 钢材:建筑中常用的钢材价格波动较大,一般在每吨5000元至8000元之间。不同规格和材质的钢材价格有所差异。

3. 砖瓦:烟台当地的砖瓦价格相对较稳定,一般在每块0.5元至3元之间。选择砖瓦时应注意质量,避免使用劣质产品。


4. 玻璃:建筑中常用的玻璃价格在每平方米50元至200元左右,视透光性和厚度而定。选购时需考虑采光和保温效果。

5. 涂料:墙面涂料价格在每桶100元至500元不等,品牌众多,效果各异。建议根据实际需求选择合适的涂料。

以上是烟台建筑材料的价格大概,实际价格会因市场供需关系和运输成本等因素而有所浮动。建议在购买建筑材料时,仔细比较价格和质量,并选择正规渠道购买,以确保施工质量和建筑安全。 tag: 烟台,建筑材料,价格大全,建材行情,施工质量,市场供需 Building materials in Yantai and the latest market prices Yantai is a city with a long history and deep architectural cultural heritage. In urban construction and real estate development, building materials are essential and affect the aesthetics and quality of buildings. Here is a list of Yantai building materials prices and the latest market prices: 1. Cement: The local cement price in Yantai is around 300 yuan per ton, with many brands and varying quality. When purchasing, choose products produced by regular manufacturers. 2. Steel: The price of commonly used steel in construction fluctuates greatly, generally between 5,000 yuan and 8,000 yuan per ton. Prices of steel of different specifications and materials vary. 3. Bricks and tiles: The prices of bricks and tiles in Yantai are relatively stable, generally ranging from 0.5 yuan to 3 yuan per piece. When choosing bricks and tiles, pay attention to quality to avoid using inferior products. 4. Glass: The price of commonly used glass in construction is around 50 yuan to 200 yuan per square meter, depending on transparency and thickness. When purchasing, consider lighting and thermal insulation effects. 5. Paint: The price of wall paint ranges from 100 yuan to 500 yuan per bucket, with numerous brands and various effects. It is recommended to choose suitable paint according to actual needs.