
 bob半岛体育     |      2025年01月10日




1. 送检单位:填写送检材料的单位名称。

2. 送检材料:填写具体的送检材料名称,如水泥、砖块等。

3. 生产厂家:填写材料的生产厂家名称。

4. 生产日期:填写材料的生产日期。


5. 规格型号:填写材料的规格型号。

6. 检验项目:填写需要进行检验的项目,如外观检查、强度检测等。

7. 出厂合格证:填写材料的出厂合格证号码。

8. 检验结果:填写材料的检验结果,包括合格、不合格等。

9. 备注:填写其他需要说明的事项。


以上就是建筑材料送检表的模板及填写要求,希望能帮助您进行送检工作。 标签:建筑材料,送检表,建筑工程,质量控制,建筑材料检验, Building materials inspection form template and filling requirements The building materials are important components of building engineering, and inspection is an important link to ensure the quality of the building. Here are the templates and fill-in requirements for the inspection form of building materials: 1. Sending unit: Fill in the name of the unit sending the materials for inspection. 2. Inspection materials: Fill in the specific name of the materials for inspection, such as cement, bricks, etc. 3. Manufacturer: Fill in the name of the manufacturer of the materials. 4. Production date: Fill in the production date of the materials. 5. Specifications and models: Fill in the specifications and models of the materials. 6. Inspection items: Fill in the items that need to be inspected, such as appearance inspection, strength testing, etc. 7. Factory certificate of conformity: Fill in the factory certificate of conformity number of the materials. 8. Inspection results: Fill in the inspection results of the materials, including qualified, unqualified, etc. 9. Remarks: Fill in other matters that need to be explained. When filling out the building materials inspection form, carefully check the above information to ensure accuracy. It is recommended to carefully check the materials before inspection to avoid quality problems that may affect the building engineering project. The above is the template and fill-in requirements of the building materials inspection form. I hope it can help you with the inspection work.